Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (2024) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (1) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (2) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (3) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (4) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (5) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (6) Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of ... garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an - [PDF Document] (7)


The SettingThe Borderlands are specifically a low magic setting where magic is rare, low powered, and unique. Here is to be discovered the great sword Naril, a +1 magic sword; and the wonderous Heart of Nekron, a great ruby on a gold chain that grants immortality (See magic item descriptions). Single use items such as Potions and Scrolls will be sparingly available.

Starting CharactersIf you prefer to generate new starting characters You should generate characters according to the D&D Rules Cyclopedia. This will allow the generation of first level characters.If you prefer to make use of the pregenerated characters, you may find them in the back of the module. A player will be required to take Grimslade the Magic-user as his or her character. An entry for Grindal's Apprentice exists in the Pregenerated Characters.

Borderland CharactersBorderlanders are somewhat more diverse than the basic character Stats generated using the D&D Rules Cyclopedia:

Physical Stats• Physical Height for human characters is

17d6+5". Once outside the borderlands, abnormal physical height will draw a negative reaction from 'normal' folk.

Starting wealth• 2d6gp• Inheritance (1d20)

DC 1-16 17-19 20

Limit 10gp 20gp 40gpInheritance items come with back stories and cost one point of charisma when lost or sold.

Reputation• +1 per adventure in BorderlandsReputation can be used to convince folks to do things. Add reputation to any charisma checks in the borderlands.

Naming Conventions• Halflings in the borderlands have names devoid

of vowels. Family names will be a particular crop plant farmed by the family, so a family name might change.

• Dwarves are from one of two families, both of whom are blood enemies.

• Elves use a simple adventuring name as opposed to their birth song which is one letter per year.

• Humans in these parts dont bother with more than one name. This could be a first name, a family name, or an alias.

Halflings DwarvesName Family Family- -Name• J'hn• P't• Cl'r• K't• L's

• R'c• B'n• Pl'm• Wh't• F'g• P'

• Mi-• Ma-

• -Urga• -Rolo• -Ath• -Kebb


Prefix Mid Suffix• L-• V-• U-• N-• K-

• In• Il• It• Im• If• Is• Ie

• -Er• -A• -T


Prefix Mid Suffix• D-• C-• A-• G-• S-• K-• P-• J-• V-• F-• H-• L-• T-

• Nn• Ee• Rr• Oo

• -o• -e• -n• -S• -L• -M• -A• -Y

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BackgroundCastle Zenopus was established a century ago by a Wizard of the same name on the southern edge of the Mountains of Ash. The castle's heavy stone blocks were bound in an Iron frame that reinforced it's exterior and grounded every lightning strike. The Iron cage prevented entry by magic, and thanks to a chamber of alchemical batteries, delt a fatal blow to anyone fool enough to climb the ironwork.As was common fashion, young folk came forth seeking apprenticeship as magic-users. Amongst the few who dared seek an apprenticeship with the Wizard was Grindal of Lower Burkwart. The ambitious young man proved surprisingly incapable of the discipline necessary to memorize that first spell. This was of course a ruse on the part of of Grindal. His previous master, a magic-user of little ability, had taught him enough before being butchered in an encounter with the dragon that dwells in the black swamp. Unable to get his hands on his master's spell book or the only real magic item now in the dragon's posession: The Heart of Nekron, Grindal sought out Zenopus. While Grindal proved untrainable in magic, Zenopus did find Grindal could cook, and posessed of mathematical and writing skills, employed Grindal to manage the castle.Grindal convinced Zenopus that magic potions could be brewed and sold so as to finance the upkeep of the castle, Zenopus, and his apprentices. Grindal slowly began to fatten the hogs for slaughter. With regular meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Zenopus and his apprentices put on weight until they were no longer capable of adventuring. All but one retired to the life of hedge Wizard.Zenopus, obese after several years of good living, succumbed to one too many bacon, egg and cheese pies with dripping.Grindal convinced Zenopus that magic potions could be brewed and sold so as to finance the upkeep of the castle, Zenopus, and his apprentices.

Grindal slowly began to fatten the hogs for slaughter. With regular meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Zenopus and his apprentices put on weight until they were no longer capable of adventuring. All but one retired to the life of hedge Wizard. Zenopus, obese after several years of good living, succumbed to one too many bacon, egg and cheese pies with dripping.Having disposed of the corpse of Zenopus down a garbage chute into a dungeon below the kitchen where Grindal had disposed of an assortment of creatures, waste, and failed experiments over the years, and unwilling to stay on and claim the castle as his own considering some Wizard might come looking to pry ownership from his cold, dead hands, Grindal departed with his master's travelling spellbook and assorted choice items he could conceal in his backpack.

Recent HistoryIn time Grindal became a Wizard of considerable ability, mastering every spell in the spellbook of Zenopus; and eventually Grindal took an apprentice of his own. Grimslade proved to be an attentive apprentice and in recent conversation with his apprentice about his own master reminded the Wizard of the Black dragon and the magic item in it's posession: The Heart of Nekron. Grindal considered returning to pick over the Keep, but having sighted a red dragon several times near the Keep, decided against risking his neck. Grindal has instead decided to employ the services of his apprentice and some adventurers who have chanced to stop at Gavin's Tavern, an alehouse that was recently built in the shadow of Castle Zenopus as a popular stop for Travellers.

Beyond the AdventureWhile the primary adventure is the exploration of Castle Zenopus, there are several mini-adventures associated with Gavin's Tavern that will provide the party with a strategic advantage if they are successful:

• The Missing Patrons• The stew is poisoned• There is a Bounty on Delistra

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Gavin's TavernLocated in the borderlands near the southern edge of the Mountains of Ash on an irregularly used trail that runs from far in the west to far in the east, Gavin's Tavern is a small stone tower that serves as a pitstop for those who are insane enough to walk the trail that separates the borderlands from pretty much everything civilized. It has rooms to rent up stairs and a ground level tap room for anyone looking for a drink.

Gavin's Tavern looks more like a Wizard tower. The stone structure sits just north of the trail in the shadow of the long abandoned Castle Zenopus like a border outpost. The windows are arrow slits and the door is a heavy, reinforced timber with iron band hinges that look like someone has used a collection of weapons to smash their way in.

Prices• Gavin charges the obscene price of a gold piece

for an ale.• He also cooks meat in a stew, though he isnt

overly forthcoming as to what 'meat' constitutes.• Private Rooms are for rent at five gold pieces a

night. • The pcs can doss on the tap room floor for a

silver piece with up to nine others.• A warm Bath is one gold piece.

Making InquiriesIf the Player Characters ask Gavin about the Castle read the following:

"Castle Zenopus? You should speak to Old Grindal over there. He seems to know a bit about it." Gavin indicates the old man seated alone on a stool with his back to the wall above the cellar door reading a letter."If you are interested I'll let him know."

If the player Characters agree to the introduction Gavin works his way back to the bar, notifying Grindal of the party's interest, otherwise he goes about his business.

The Wizard GrindalGrindal approaches with an offer. If they will clear out Castle Zenopus he will provide them with maps to the Castle and help.

"So you have an interest in Castle Zenopus do you? I've an interest in it myself." Grindal roughs his beard with the palm of his hand."Perhaps we can share that interest? I was apprenticed to old Zenopus when I was young, I can provide you with maps of the place and magical assistance." Grindal awaits your answer.

If the Player Characters agree (Grindal's map):Grindal nods approvingly and pulls parchment from under his cloak, placing them on the table.They are quill and ink scrawls that show several floors spread across three towers. The first, and lowest tower seems to be located on the far side of the castle and held stables, cellars, a kitchen, servants quarters. The ajoining tower has private quarters for apprentices, and a dining hall. The third linked by a platz housed stores, a library, a laboratory, and the private Rooms of Zenopus.

Interacting with the Other PatronsNon Player Characters exist to be interacted with. So here are some rules for that charisma check:Bonuses & Penalties• -1 for the initial intrusion• +1 for speaking an NPC's name• +1 for every handshake• +1 every round of ales bought• + reputationRewards• +5xp for every name (DC10)• +10xp for every secret (DC20)

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Characters and their SecretsCharacter Secret


• On the verge of packing up and moving to the Shires. Hasn't told his family.

Mila,Gavin's Daughter

• Her last would-be suitor is buried under a pile of rocks near the castle. Fool tried climbing it.

Ada, Gavin's wife

• The stew is a mix of sausage, beef, pork, salted fish, and three spices from Jaibul.

Thevin,Thief from Athenos

• Has an old map showing a tunnel linking the tavern cellars to the Castle. Intends to break in to the cellars with Zando while everyone is asleep.

Zando, Thief from Tenobar

• Intends to break in to the cellars with Thevin while everyone is asleep.

Hersch,Bounty hunter from Athenos

• Hunting a murderer named Delistra. The Bounty is two thousand gold pieces.

Darvil,Hired killer

• Here to poison Gavin and all the guests for a Wizard currently looting the castle.

Delistra • Killed two men who murdered her father.

Kail • Is an outcast banished from his clan.

Abram • is keeping his being a Cleric secret from everyone.

Irina • Suspects Abram is a Cleric. Saw his holy symbol.

• Likes kail's Ochalean silk robes.Markov • knows all of the apprentices of

Zenopus by name and that Grindal is not.

Grimslade • Has a scroll of Dimension Door from Grindal. Was told to abandon his fellows and get to safety if it goes wrong.

Grindal • wasnt actualy an apprentice of Zenopus.

Mini-AdventuresThe mini adventure components to this adventure module that occurs in the tavern are explained below:

The Missing PatronsIf the PCs choose to spend the night in the tavern before heading to castle Zenopus two thieves amongst the patrons sleeping on the floor of the tap room pick the lock on the cellar trapdoor to get at the booze. Unfortunately a Ghoul has come through the long forgotten secret door and attacked them.Anyone asleep in the tap room might be alerted by the screams of the Thieves from the cellar (DC13). It then carries their corpses down the well to the caves and sets up a larder. If no one comes looking it climbs up into the tap room taking one victim at a time until sunrise.This adventure rewards the PCs with access to the Dungeons below Castle Zenopus via the secret door.If the adventurers got Thevin and Zando to talk they might decide to inspect the cellars early, and with Gavin's consent. In that case the Ghoul is in the tunnel.

The stew is PoisonedDarvil asks if he might speak to the cook about his own dietary needs. While asking her to boil a game bird on its own he pours a vial of poison into the stew pot.Ada succumbs to the poison having tasted the stew repeatedly during cooking, retiring for the evening early only to collapse on the stairs. If no one thinks to look for poison or are not paying attention to the actions of NPCS anyone consuming the stew will need to save vs poison or slip in to a deep sleep and die in 1d4 hours.Saving everyone from the poisoner earns a +1 to reputation. Saving Ada from death by poison earns the party a weeks free iron rations and an old spell scroll.

The Bounty on DelistraIf Hersch is able to identify Delistra he will only attempt to take her when she is most vulnerable and not backed up by her friends. This will likely be when she is alone. If the adventurers are aware that Hersch is looking for Delistra they may decide her fate. The Bounty on Delistra is two thousand gold pieces.

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Encounter Areas 1-41. THE TAP ROOM

The room has several stone pillars rising through a low ceiling of heavy timber beams supporting upper tower and the timber floor above. An ironwork spiral staircase set in the tower wall between the door to the Jakes and the kitchen also ascends through the ceiling providing the only access to the upper rooms. Several tables allow seating against the outer wall.

There is a trapdoor between the bar and the kitchen that allows access to the cellars. It is padlocked unless in use. The eight Firkins under the bar contain weak ale.These four NPCS will sleep on the taproom floor:Thevin: Thief; level(1); neutral; 4hp; AC6; Str(9), Int(11), Wis(9), Dex(13), Con(10), Cha(7); Skills: literacy (Darokinian), craft (Leather-working), mapmaking, gambling; equipment: dagger (1d4), Leather Armour, clothes, shoes, belt, pouch, loaded dice, map, (4) torches, tinderbox; background: Thevin hooked up with Zando in Athenos where they won a map showing a tunnel behind a secret door in the cellars of gavins tavern that leads into castle Zenopus.Zando: thief; level(2); neutral; 10hp; AC6; Str(13), Int(12), Wis(16), Dex(13), Con(14), Cha(14); Skills: literacy (Darokinian), cooking, gambling, Knowledge (herbs); equipment: dagger (1d4), light crossbow, twenty quarrels(1d6), Leather armour, clothes, shoes, boots, holy symbol. Background: left Tenobar and met Thevin while gambling. agreed to go to explore castle Zenopus.Herche: Fighter; level(1); neutral; 8hp; AC4; Str(13), Int(8), Wis(10), Dex(18), Con(14), Cha(12); Skills: literacy (Darokinian)+1, knowledge (bounty hunting); equipment: Shortsword, Leather Armour, Fine clothes, shoes; background: decided to go for easy money in bounty-hunting. Herche has been tracking a multiple murderer into the broken lands.Darvil: Fighter; level(2); chaotic; 15hp; AC5; Str(13), Int(10), Wis(10), Dex(16), Con(9), Cha(10); Skills: literacy (Darokinian), riding (horses)+1, craft (etching); equipment: rapier, Leather Armour, Fine clothes, shoes, riding boots, vial of poison. Background: darvil had gone to Zenopus when he encountered a Magicuser who charmed him. The Magicuser sent Darvil to poison everyone at gavin's tavern.

2. THE JAKESThe smell is offensive, and it stings your eyes just to be in this tiny room. Chalked on a brick above the lead-lined timber pee-trough with hinged wooden splash is the phrase: If you had a horse, you wouldnt be here now. There is a window of sorts. An arrow slit high up in the stone outer wall allows some fresh air though there doesnt seem to be any in this room.

The wooden splash is hinged so it is designed to drop over the trough like a lid. There is a hole in the splash at one end which allows it to function as a seated toilet if the need arises.

3. THE KITCHENA fireplace embeded in the outer wall and sitting in it is a large iron stew pot with lid suspended from an Iron tripod by hooks on short chains. Opposite the fireplace is a selection of bacons, hams, sausages and fowl on hooks suspended from the timber beams. The table at the far end has a cleaver, large knives and a cutting board. High up on the wall above the table is an arrow slit. Under the table are two sacks.

Treat the Cleaver a as small hand axe (1d6) and the large knives as Daggers (1d4). The sacks under the table contain onions and potatoes respectively. Anyone climbing on the table and looking out the arrowslit will have a view of the Ashen Mountains. There is also the key to the cellar padlock which will be noticed on a DC9.Ada: Normal Human; Lawful; 6hp; AC8; Str(8), Int(13), Wis(11), Dex(14), Con(12), Cha(16); Skills: literacy (Traladaran), cooking, craft(embroidery)+1; fine clothes, shoes; History: ada encountered Gavin in Wereskalot and fell for him. They moved to the tavern after mila was born. Ada knows Gavin killed Tel Varn and that Tel Varn was iron ring.

4. THE LANDINGThe floor just above the taproom ends in two heavy timber doors. One has a brass plate with the word 'bath engraved and the other has a brass plate engraved with the word 'proprietor'.

If Gavin is in his apartment he will answer the door if anyone knocks.There is a chance of encountering mila here in the afternoons when she bathes.

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Encounter Areas 5-115. BATH

In this chamber is a wooden bath large enough to submerge a large human. It looks to have been carved from a single piece of trunk and waxed heavily in beeswax.

Anyone wishing to use the bath is required to ask Gavin for the key. There is a drain hole in the bottom which drains down a pipe of beaten copper out through the wall.Gavin brings up buckets of water from the well in the cellar each morning so paying customers can bathe. He provides each with a bucket of boiled water.

6. PARLORThis oddly sparse chamber is dominated by a large stone column which rises through the floor to divide room. A padded cloth and cusioned divan soaked in perfumes more common to a brothel is pushed to one side.

There is a door either side of the back of the room, concealed from view. The one on the right is locked (DC13). If Gavin's Daughter is not bathing she will be here during daylight hours. Otherwise she will be in bed (room 8).

7. GAVIN'S BEDCHAMBERThis nice room has a desk of good, dark timber with blank paper held down by a letter opener and a matching Chair. A large bed with fine sheets and blankets is furthest from the door.

The door is always locked even when Gavin is in. A draw in the desk is filled with letters penned in various hands (DC9). The letters seem to be from relatives of Gavin. Each letter has a watermark that forms a sequence of numbers when the letters are overlayed (DC16): 1-1-5-6-4-6-6-8-3-8-9-3.If Gavin finds a guest in this room without permission he attacks.Gavin: Thief; level(3); neutral; 10hp; AC6; Str(12), Int(13), Wis(12), Dex(18), Con(12), Cha(16); Skills: literacy (Traladaran), literacy (Darokinian), cooking, Knowledge (borderlands geography), knowlege (Darokin Diplomatic corps. Encryption); equipment: Traladaran Needle (1d4), fine clothes, belt, shoes. History: An agent of the Darokinian Diplomatic Corp. Gavin learned that tel Varn was iron ring having broken the watermark encryption on his personal letters. Gavin followed Tel to a location near castle Zenopus and killed him.

8. ADA & MILA'S ROOMThis room has two beds. The sheets and pillows are embroidered with roses.

Ada and her daughter share the same room. They have done so since the death of Mila's suitor, Tel Varn. There is a Chest under each bed with clothing.Mila: Fighter; level(1); neutral; 4hp; AC6; Str(13), Int(18), Wis(10), Dex(18), Con(9), Cha(12); Skills: literacy (Darokinian), literacy (Traladaran), literacy (Elf), literacy (Thyatian), cooking, riding (horses), craft (embroidery); equipment: Fine clothes, shoes.

9. THIRD FLOOR APARTMENTThe room contains two timber frame beds with matresses against the outer wall. There is also a timber desk and sturdy wooden chair.

This room is available to any female pcs. Under each bed is a Chest with A basic latch.

10. FOURTH FLOOR APARTMENTThe room contains two timber frame beds with matresses against the outer wall. There is also a timber desk and sturdy wooden chair.

This room is available to any male pcs. Under each bed is a Chest with A basic latch.

11. FIFTH FLOOR APARTMENTThe room contains two timber frame beds with matresses against the outer wall. There is also a timber desk and sturdy wooden chair.

This apartment was rented recently by Grindal and he keeps the second bed for his apprentice Grimslade. Grindal keeps his spellbook in the chest under his bed-wizard locked for added security. The travelling spellbook of Zenopus contains all first to fifth level Magicuser spells found in the rules Cyclopedia.Grindal: Magicuser; level(10); neutral; 34hp; AC6; Str(8), Int(18), Wis(12), Dex(18), Con(12), Cha(10); Skills: literacy (Traladaran), literacy (Thyatian), cooking, Knowledge (borderlands geography), literacy (Darokinian), Knowledge (Zenopus the Wizard), Knowledge (castle Zenopus); Spells memorized: 2x magic Missile, Read magic, analyze, knock, Wizard lock, lightning bolt, Dimension Door, teleport; equipment: gunblade of Grindal (1d4/2x lightning bolt), spell-book, fine clothes, belt, shoes. History: Grindal has apprenticed to several magic users including Zenopus. He thinks fondly of his apprentice in whom he has invested considerable effort.

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Encounter Areas 12-16

Beneath the heavy trapdoor is a shaft with an iron ladder affixed to the stonework with pitons driven deep Between stone blocks. It seems quite deep for a cellar.

The ladder descends twenty feet to the cellar floor (See area 12).

12. THE CELLARThere is nothing in the cellar. Where you expected a storehouse of alcohols in barrels, and smoked hams, sausages, cheeses, and sacks of potatoes, there is pretty much nothing. The cut stone cellar narrows at the far end with what looks like a door.

the cellar isnt used to store anything. The door to the well room is ajar as is the secret door that hid the tunnel to castle Zenopus (DC9). If Thevin and Zando have encountered the Ghoul having broken into the cellar during the night their bodies were dragged down the well (See area 15) and zando's crossbow is on the floor.

13. THE WELL ROOMThe well in this room has a two feet high, one foot wide stone rim that guards the well shaft. A tripod with a pully and tangle of ropes has been pushed aside.

if the players decide their characters are going to climb down the well they will need a fifty feet rope. The tripod and pully were used to bring a bucket of water up.

14. THE WATER CAVEThe well descends thirty feet to a dark, low ceiling cave with a pool of water.

The pool is two feet deep, cold, and fed by a stream. The ceiling is five feet high. A perception check (DC16) to notice the sound of something gnawing on a bone in the dark.

15. A SURVIVORA broken corpse has been dumped at the point where water flows from the rock face to feed the water pool below the well.

the instant anyone touches the corpse they find Thevin is still alive though both his legs are broken. Thevin begins screaming in terror as soon as someone makes physical contact. His hitpoints are reduced to one and he needs healing.Dumped down the well by the Ghoul and left to drown he recovered from paralysis enough to crawl through utter darkness to this point.If the Ghoul (area 16) has not been disposed of, Thevin's screams at being discovered draws it out.

16. THE GHOUL NESTYou hear it now, something terrible, gnawing at bones like a dog and as you advance you find something vaguely human sitting on a pile of body parts chewing at meat and bone.

The corpse being gnawed on is all that remains of Zando. If the party is using a lightsource the Ghoul continues eating, ignoring the fact it's shadow is being cast on the wall. It attacks once a pc has closed to within ten feet. More intelligent than the average Ghoul it paralyses a target then moves to the next in quick succession.

If the party are taken out by the Ghoul, Gavin will seal the well room, lock the cellar trap door and abandon the tavern with his family and head for some place safe.

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DELISTRA: Chaotic Fighter (level 1); Str 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Cha 10; 9hp; Bastard Sword (1d8/1d8+1), Leather Armour; Skills: Read/Write (Darokinian), Leatherworking+1, Tracking;Personality: Dominant yet aloof toward her fellow Adventurer Kail, she is adventurous and interested;Description: 5'9" tall, 89lb, beautiful apart from the scar on her cheek, Delistra is never seen out of her father's Bastard Sword and Leather armour which she crafted herself with fine silver-work;History: Delistra, working in her father's workshop, her talents lay in the manufacture of leather armour, could only watch as her father was murdered. The killers did not however escape punishment, Delistra evicerating them with her father's Bastard Sword. Unfortunately that was regarded as a monstrous crime under Darokin law. Delistra headed into the borderlands to avoid the reach of authorities.

KAIL: Neutral Elf (level 1); Str 13, Int 13, Wis 13, Dex 16, Con 9, Cha 11; 6hp; (2) Silver Daggers (1d4), Ochalean Silk Robes, Torch (1d6); Skills: Read/Write (Elf), Read/Write (Darokinian), Tailor, Knowledge (Ochalean Silk), Knowledge (Customs of Alfhiem Elves); Personality: Quiet and unimposing, Kail is submissive exclusively toward his fellow adventurer Delistra;Description: 5'3" tall, 50lb, always dressed in feminine, non elven clothing prefering a white Ochalean silk robe with gold thread brocaded shoulders, short cropped hair, green jade earrings, and a white pompom in his hair;History: Kail was to be soulbound to one of his clan - the elf who would one day be his mate, but he was rejected by the tree keeper because he lacked the predatory qualities expected of a male elf. Expelled, he has embraced other cultures with a more appealing outlook on life. He met Delistra in Athenos and followed her into the borderlands.

IRINA THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Neutral Halfling (level 1); Str 13, Int 13, Wis 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Cha 15; 6hp; mallet, (3) wooden stakes, cream smock, shoes; Skills: Read/Write (Elf), Read/Write (Darokinian), Knowledge (Vampires), History (five shires), cooking; Personality: Quiet and brooding, Irina can barely contain her irritation at being treated like a child, her favoured whispered phrase is 'Idiot!' and she uses it when anyone around her needs to be deflated;Description: 3' tall, 30lb, always dressed in a dirty white smock and shoes, ill cut hair, armed with a wooden stake and mallet;History: At twenty years of age Irina decided to depart the safety of the five shires for the borderlands to become a Vampire Slayer.

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MARKOV THE DWARF: Neutral Thief (level 2); Str 13, Int 13, Wis 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Cha 15; 8hp; mallet, (3) wooden stakes, cream smock, shoes; Skills: Read/Write (Darokinian), Knowledge (Rumors and Tales of the Borderlands), Tracking+1; Personality: Quiet and brooding, Irina can barely contain her irritation at being treated like a child, her favoured whispered phrase is 'Idiot!' and she uses it when anyone around her needs to be deflated;Description: 4'3" tall, 50lb, always dressed in a dirty white smock and shoes, ill cut hair, armed with a wooden stake and mallet;History: Markov has lived rough in the borderlands all his life. He traps fowl and rabbits and trades them to Gavin for the occasional ale and conversation. He has heard of the Wizard Zenopus and knows the names of several of the wizard's apprentices, though he didnt know Grindal was one of them.

ABRAM: Neutral Cleric (level 2); Str 13, Int 13, Wis 16, Dex 9, Con 10, Cha 12; 12hp; Warhammer+1 (1d8), Platemail, Holy Symbol; Skills: Read/Write (Thyatian), Read/Write (Darokinian), Ceremony (Church of Thyatis), History of Thyatian Empire; Personality: Quiet and meditative, Abram feels spiritually isolated from his rather crowded, and urban faith;Description: 5'11" tall, 150lb, Abram is middle aged, balding and clean shaven except for his moustache. He wears black dyed wool clothing beneath his armour beneath which he also conceals his holy symbol. He carries a Warhammer;History: Abram was an acolyte at a temple in the city of Thyatis for twenty years until he realized he didnt like cities. For the last ten years he has wandered the edges of civilization making his way west into the borderlands. He is aware of a bounty on Delistra but is keeping that to himself.

GRIMSLADE: Neutral Magicuser (level 3); Str 11, Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Cha 10; 10hp; gunblade of Grindal (1d4/6x magic Missile), fine clothes, hat, shoes, spellbook, waterproof backpack(300cn); Spells: Read magic, Read languages, sleep, magic Missile, continual light; Skills: Read/Write (Elf), Read/Write (Darokinian), Read/Write (Thyatian), Knowledge (geography of the borderlands), History (the borderlands), cooking; Personality: Grimslade is friendly and enjoys the company of others, he is loyal to his master;Description: Tall (6'2"), middle aged (37), bearded, he wears fine clothes, a broad rimmed hat and a gunblade of Grindal on his belt;History: Apprenticed to Grindal so many years ago, Grimslade has spent every year proving himself worthy.

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Entering Castle ZenopusThere are several ways to enter Castle Zenopus. The main doors leading to the atrium (area 1) will open for anyone who approaches, the great bronze doors parting of their own accord.A skilled climber might scale the sides of the structure to the great plaza (area 44) that stands between the second and third tower allowing entry into either structure but it is a difficult climb for a thief (DC16) and a very difficult climb (DC20) for everyone else.The third path links the cellars of Gavin's tavern via a very long, straight tunnel to stairs that climb to a secret door (area 95) and the crypt of Zenopus.

Encounter Areas 1-2

1. THE ATRIUMBeyond the bronze doors, the atrium awaits. A stairs to your right climbs upward to the next floor while the fountain pool that dominates the room is overlooked by a bronze head with a wand jammed in it's open mouth is mounted on the wall.To the left of the pool is a door, ajar with what looks like a dark stain leading into the room beyond.

The bronze head is unable to speak unless the wand is removed. The wand is a wand of sleep (1charge). It will discharge if anyone walks to the stairs or wades into the two feet deep pool without speaking the password: 1-1-5-6-4-6-6-8-3-8-9-3 .

Once the wand is removed the bronze head announces that it will be able to answer one question asked of it per day: • If asked about the trail of blood: a man with a

sword opened the door and was dragged in screaming.

• If asked about the wand: a wizard placed it there.

• If asked about the castle, it only knows of events occurring in this room, and will identify servants and apprentices of Zenopus by name and status if they are present.

The bronze head can only be removed by a wish. Ripping it from the wall (a DC30 feat of collective strength) destroys it. It's worth 500gp as scrap bronze.

2. THE STORE ROOMThe back wall of the room curves around to the right as does the rather ancient trail of blood. It leads to remains protruding from a hole in the wall and a blood encrusted sword.

The sword is the greatsword Naril, a sword+1. Naril has a slight curse in that the previous owner will pursue the sword and new owner in undead form. The remains are those of a warrior who encountered that which lives in the air ducts. After the sword is claimed the legless skeleton will become active in one turn draging itself in pursuit.

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Encounter Areas 3-8

3. THE CURVED GALLERYThe stairs climb upwards to a room that curves about the outer wall. A lone man, impaled on a sword is leaning against the wall, his injuries horrific. He points to the open door to a dark corridor at the end of the curved gallery.

There are two doors to the gallery. One is at the far end and leads to hallway (area 5). The other leads to the elevator room (area 4). The third entry point is the stairs up from the atrium (area 1).The impaled man is a sentient ghoul. It is actually wearing it's last victim's face as a mask (the rest of whom is in area 10). If it gets close enough it will touch everyone who comes within reach paralysing them.

4. THE GREAT ELEVATORAbout fifteen feet across, the hexagonal room is oddly spacious. Unfortunately there is nothing of interest in this dusty yet empty storage chamber.

A DC13 is required to notice the three dust concealed and engraved tiles embedded in the wall. These are the controls to select a floor (the other two being floors three and four). Pushing a tile other than the bottom most tile will cause the room to move up the shaft to the appropriate floor. If the adventurers think to have some one ride the elevator up they find a shallow pit some two feet deep under the elevator shaft. The pit is occupied by a gelatinous tentacle (as 2HD gelatinous cube with 20' tentacle) that drags one prey at a time in.

5. THE HALLWAYimmediately through the door, the hallway bends left then right arriving at a second door. Here and there a bloody handprint marks a trail.

The trail of blood leads from somewhere beyond this door all the way to the gallery. If the Ghoul is yet undiscovered or the party has split, it will paralyse party members from the back of the group.

6.THE ADMINISTRATIVE WINGThis long hallway extends well beyond the tower diameter with numerous doors on either side.

This section actually stands apart from the castle extending from the tower out to a column that supports the structure. There is little to no blood anywhere in this hallway other than a hand print on the iron ring pull handle to area 10.The administrative wing exists as bureaucratic apparatus from which Zenopus administered his little region of the Borderlands.

7. OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONSThere is an old wooden desk and chair in this room. There is a narrow slit about a foot high and five feet wide through which light pours. A smell you can't quite place fills the air.

The smell is yellow mold which is all over the inside of a concealed draw (DC13). The draw opens with difficulty causing a cloud of yellow spores to erupt into the room. The window is filled by a thick layer of glass.

8. OFFICE OF MONSTER CONTROLThe window glass to this office are missing and the very distinctive odour of acrid eye burning faeces immediately assails you and the floor feels slippery. Fortunately whatever nests here is absent.

Touching the stirge faeces on the floor or furnishings comes with the risk of disease as does breathing it in (DC13). Anyone affected looses one point of constitution per month until cured. Paralysis occurs at two constitution and death occurs at zero constitution.There is a key to the door leading to the private quarters (area 24) on the fourth floor of first tower.The three Stirges nesting here return a turn after the door to the room is opened.

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Encounter Areas 9-14

9. OFFICE OF MAGICThe room comes with a naked kobold standing by a table with several potions. The kobold speaks as you enter the room."experiment fourty seven has proven to be difficult to undo. The green potion caused my transformation into a kobold and yet I am unable to transform back. That permanence would be a great achievement if I could transfer it to other potions. I have narrowed down the cure to red or blue. If I fail I will need to ask Zenopus for help. End record." the illusion vanishes leaving a red liquid in a glass container on a table. The room is otherwise empty.

The door to this office is locked. The key is with the body of Zenopus in the caves (area 101). The red potion will undo the effects of any curse (potion of remove curse). The kobold was Arkolis, an apprentice of Zenopus.

10. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDSThis room is filled with scrolls piled against the wall almost to the ceiling. If there is a desk it must be under the pile.

There are a thousand scrolls here. It will take several hours to discern their contents. The dungeon master should feel free to stick any irrelevant document in here. 1d10 chance per turn of discovering a map page to castle Zenopus.

11. OFFICE OF ZENOPUSThere is blood on the pull handle and within, a body Stripped naked with its face missing is slumped against a wall.

This was the office of Zenopus if he ever needed to administer the administration. He did not ever use the office. If the Ghoul encountered in the gallery (area 3) is still disguised, it attacks. The body was one of the henchmen of the wizard currently looting the castle. The Ghoul climbed up the garbage disposal (area 105) and followed his prey into the administration wing. The room is otherwise empty.

12. SECOND GALLERYThis large room has no windows and the outer wall is covered by a long mural displaying a red dragon slumbering on a pile of treasure in some ruins. The workmanship is amazing.Doors at each end of the room and the Middle the only exits.

The mural is magical (as revealed by detect magic) and displays the most powerful entity within or near the castle. If the dragon is killed the second most powerful entity will be the construct guarding the door illuminated by red light from a control panel (area 89), then the darkness enveloping the gelatinous cube under the elevator (area 4), Arkolis (resting in area 89 as images from area 90 are replaced with images of mountains), followed by the adventuring party.The doors from the room lead to the elevator (area 4), the kitchen access (area 13), and the hallway to second tower (area 17).

13. KITCHEN ACCESSThrough the door from the gallery, the hall quickly bends to the right, ending at a door with a bronze plate declaring 'kitchen'.

The hall is narrow allowing one person at a time to move between the kitchen and gallery.

14. THE KITCHENThe kitchen is small, perhaps ten feet by ten feet in area and dominated by a fireplace.

A crab spider lives in the fireplace chimney. It surprises anyone not sticking a burning torch up the chimney first. The only door leads to the kitchen access (area 13) and a second hallway (area 15) leads off in the opposite direction providing access to other areas (areas 16, 18, 105).

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Encounter Areas 15-23

15. ACCESS CORRIDORThe hallway from the kitchen winds around, widening at the end, providing access to three doors leading off in assorted directions. There is a certain fragrance in the air that is unpleasant.

The door to the right (area 105) is ajar and a wisdom check it required to remember the smell of the Ghoul. Behind the middle door is the hallway (area 18) to the third tower. The door to the left is marked 'dumbwaiter' on a brass plate.

16. DUMBWAITERThis small room has a collapsed ceiling revealing a shaft that climbs twenty feet upward.

The dumbwaiter shaft can be climbed by a thief with little trouble (DC13) once the rubble is removed. It leads up to level four of the second tower.

17. HALLWAY TO SECOND TOWERThis hallway is long and straight to a second set of doors at the far end.

This hallway is empty except for yellow mould. Beyond the doors is a small foyer (area 32).

18. HALLWAY TO THIRD TOWERThis long hallway heads long and straight before turning slightly from view.

The hallway ends at a pair of doors. The locked door to the side denies access to the crypt of Zenopus at the bottom of the stairs (area 91). The door at the end of the hall provides access to the elevator in tower three (area 59).

19. SMALL DINING HALLThis hall is dominated by a long rectangular timber ceiling panel.

The timber ceiling panel is in fact a levitating dining table. It will lower and raise on command (fizzlesnap). On the table is yellow mould, long undisturbed. It now chokes the room, disturbed by the lowering of the table.Five doors lead from this room (areas 4, 19a, 20, 26, and 30). Area 19a is a small room with a toilet. There is a large ceramic bowl in the box under the hole. It is filled with waste. The ceramic bowl will crumble dumping it's contents on anyone holding it.

20. HALLWAYthrough the door The hall turns right then left to a second door. The hallway itself is oddly warm.

This hallway connects to the servants quarters. The warmth is coming from a message scribed on the wall using a scorch-mark (2nd level wizard spell) making the wall warm to touch. The message reads 'i left a treasure beneath the elevator' and can be easily seen by anyone with infravision. It can also be discerned by anyone spraying water on the wall.

21. SERVANTS QUARTERS ACCESSThere are four doors, two each side of this dark hallway.

the doors are to servants private quarters (areas 22-25). If anyone listens at the doors there is a chance (DC13) that they will hear a sound of whispering from area 23.

22. GRINDAL'S ROOMThe remains of a timber bed, small table and stool are the rubbish that fills this room. The walls of the room are marked with odd symbols.

The marks will be recognised as the primer used to teach apprentices that first read magic spell. there is a loose brick (DC9) under which is a pair of rolled up scrolls (read magic and magic missile). These are pages from Grindal's first spell book.

23. THE CLEAN ROOMThis room is oddly sparse to the point of clean. It's as though someone recently went to the effort of cleaning this room well. As you look about you notice your own footprints have desecrated it's perfection.

The victims of this room must save vs magic or be overcome with the need to clean it with their own tongue. a remove curse is required to liberate the victims of this room.

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Encounter Areas 24-30

24. THE NEAR-FATAL DEATHTRAP OF HUWATI This emptied room is overlooked by a wooden mask on the wall.

Anyone touching the Mask of Huwati affixed to the wall triggers the trap. A Dimension Door dumps everyone outside the castle and they fall 10' for 1d6 damage. The Mask of Huwati will release when the Mask is 'blessed' with holy water.

25. TOLAR'S ROOMThe bedframe in this room looks in good condition. Perhaps even good enough to take.

The four hundred pound timber bed will sell for 20gp. Anyone looking under the bed sees a set of razor sharp fangs appear from the dark recesses and snap at them.It's an illusion created by one of Zenopus's Apprentices to annoy the servant whose room this was.

26. A LEFT TURN, THEN A RIGHTThis dark hallway turns left then right, ending at a second door. There are scrape marks on the floor.

The scrape marks are from an animated suit of plate mail currently located in area 29.

27. STORES ACCESSThis dark hallway provides access to two doors. The floor is scraped as though someone had dragged some heavy metal object down the hallway from the door on the right.

The scrape marks lead from area 26 to area 29.

28. THE HOUSE WINEThere are racks of wine here. About fifty bottles remain.

There are 48 bottles of wine here (10gp each). The rack falls on anyone failing to detect and disarm traps before touching the bottles. They take 1d6 crush damage. To remove the wine 20 strength must be applied collectively while the rack is unloaded.

29. THE GUARDIANThis room has one feature, a suit of platemail with a sword.

The armour is an animated construct with state of a first level fighter in platemail with sword. (8hp; AC3; sword 1d8). In the evenings the guardian exits out into the hallway (area 26) to stand guard and returns to its room. It will attack if anyone attempts to take the sword without demanding the guardian 'present arm's.

30. THE BATHThis room has a door at each end though the inner door is smoked glass in a metal frame, ceramic white tiled floors make it look beautiful. There is a row of hooks for clothing on the wall to the left.

beyond this changing room is the actual bath (area 30a) fitted with a white stone bath tub on more white floor tiles. The tub radiates strong magic and responds to the commands: 'tub clean' and 'tub fill'.

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Encounter Areas 31-38

31. THE WISHING WELLThe chamber at the very top of the first tower is dominated by a huge pool of water with a knee high edge. There are silver coins scattered on the bottom.

The pool is a string device. Anyone drinking from the pool, washing their hands in the pool or worse, climbs in the pool for a swim upsets the delicate balance and lightning wracks the pool inflicting 1hp damage per round. Tossing a silver coin in the pool activates it's power: it is a scrying pool that can be used by anyone - not just a wizard or elf.There are 245sp in the pool though the characters are unlikely to survive any attempt at wading in and taking the silver. If they take a single coin near the pool edge read the following:

You are wracked by lightning but the silver coin is yours...but behold as a strange and eerie mist develops on the surface and within the waters of the pool. It would appear you have damaged the enchantment...a Ghoul leaps from the water and attacks.

The Ghoul is from the dungeons. The pool employs the ghouls as guardians dispensing one as needed. The Ghoul will retrieve the coin and return to the pool unless destroyed. The coin itself is now a temporary magic item with a single use wizard eye ability.

32. BENEATH THE SECOND TOWERThrough the doors from the hallway you find yourself before what appears to be an elevator very similar to the elevator in the first tower. The room is floor to ceiling covered in white tiles that give the room an almost alien sensation as tiles flip and turn at the edge of your field of vision.

A charisma check is required of all characters other than a magicuser or elf. Those failing to roll under their charisma experience nausea and suffer a -1 penalty to hit rolls until they leave the castle for a turn.

33. ELEVATOR COLLAPSEBeyond the doors of the elevator is rubble. Timbers, stones, and what looks vaguely like bones. Someone died when the upper floors fell in on them. There is no way up here.

Going to the effort of excavating the debris will take at least a day. There is also a giant rattlesnake which Attacks after 2d4 rounds of excavation. On a bone finger under the rubble is a Ring of Invisibility.

34. APPRENTICE MEDITATION ROOMA serene quiet comes to you as you enter this room. There is something about it that puts you at ease.

meditating, memorising spells, or simply resting for 1-2 hours here allows a total recovery. Once per level the room restores Lost hit points, memorise lost spells, or simply achieve a well rested state.

35. APPRENTICE LABORATORYThere is shattered glass and ceramic across the room. The heavy workbench is charred.

Once a laboratory where students could research their spells, there is nothing of value remaining.

36. APPRENTICE LIBRARYWhatever was in this room is now an inch layer of ash coating the floor.

A wizard investigating the ruins of castle zenopus was disgusted that all he has found is a few thousand gold pieces in books for spell research. The ash is easily disturbed and anyone walking into the room causes a cloud of fine ash to coat their boots and legs. Undiscovered in the ash are a dozen opals. They can be discovered searching for 2d4 turns.

37. AIRLOCKAs you enter this short hallway you find the wall has a notice: pressure shift warning. Close other door before proceeding.

If they open the door to the wishing well (area 31) before closing the previous door, the door to the wishing well will not open short of a knock spell.

38. ACCESSING THE SKYWALKThe door opens to reveal an odd, narrow hallway that zigzags to a second door. The wall is marked with a brass plate declaring: pressure shift warning. Close other door before proceeding into skywalk.

If they open the door to the skywalk (area 41) the door to second tower closed, the door will not open short of a knock spell.

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Encounter Areas 39-45

39. MOON HALLThis long hall is shaped like a waxing moon. There is a large hole in the floor at one end and a pile of stone rubble below a hole in the ceiling at the other end. The stone floor looks scraped and ripped at by huge talons.

There is a one inch tall Inquisitor spider scampering about at the far end of this moon shaped hall beyond the large hole in the floor (39b). any speaking or noise in this hall alerts the dragon.Inquisitor Spider: 1-1 HD; 1hp; AC 4; MV 1'(3'); bite, 8 stinging hairs; 1hp/paralysis; ML 8(12 during mating season); SA NM; NA 1(2-5 during mating season); AL N; 6xp.Under the Rubble (39a) a corpse, now bone, in rusty chainmail. The chainmail might be recovered, then cleaned and repaired.

40. A SHORT HALLBeyond the door from the moon hall a short corridor with a green glow that illuminates the way.

The illumination comes from a fine green slime that only attacks if attacked.

41. THE SKYWALKThis hall is lined with doors and seems to bridge the gap between first and second towers. You notice the air here is fresh and New.

There is a create air enchantment on this hallway. The pressure is sufficient to hold doors that swing inward closed.

42. STIRGE NESTSThe floor and ceiling have been ripped out leaving a narrow ledge above and below. Now as you look into the core of this tower you see the shadows of fluttering birds. Light illuminates the bottom of the tower through a large hole ripped in the base of the tower outer wall. the bottom of the tower is filled with rubble.

There are thirty stirge nesting here. Nests located 42a-c have random gem treasure. Having entered from area 40, the nest at 42c is knocked over the edge. It's gem treasure is in the rubble in area 43.

43. THE DRAGON'S ATRIUMThere is a pile of debris here. It seems that something with big claws dug its way in through the outer wall, then worked it's way up through two floors and through the inner wall way up there in the darkness. Out through the hole in the outer wall you can see a large flat area and the third tower in the distance. A hole in the floor filled with rubble looks about where an elevator might have been positioned.

There is a door buried behind rubble that leads to a short hallway (area 56). 1d4 stirge will attack each round while the adventurers are in this area. If they knocked the nest from area 42c the gem is now lost amongst the rubble.

44. THE OPEN PLAZAThis great open plaza is a hundred feet above the countryside. At fifty feet wide it extends two hundred feet between the second and third towers which loom skyward.

This provides one of two war's into the castle's third tower. If they roused the dragon from its lair it will attack them here.

45. THE DRAGON'S LAIROther than the island of stone rubble from the large hole excavated in the ceiling, a great bower of glass has been pushed into th edges of this hall and fused together. It is a sea of razor sharp glass shards that you will need to crawl over to investigate.

The glass inflicts 1hp damage every round a character fails a dexterity check. At the back of the bower a magic laboratory in a bottle is fused into the glass. The small red dragon nests here with its treasure. It attacks from concealment within the laboratory with spells.

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Encounter Areas 46-51

46. ACCESS TO APPRENTICES APARTMENTSThrough the door, the hallway turns left then right, arriving at a second door. A spear, dripping a pool of blood leans near the door.

The doors are reinforced timber. The spear is non magical. The blood is from the individual collapsed at the end of the hallway beyond the door (area 51).

47. THE CORPSE ON THE BEDA very long time ago someone died in this bedroom leaving nothing more than skeletal remains on the rotted out bed.

The corpse is Adarlay, an apprentice of Zenopus who learned of the death of Zenopus and allowed himself to die in his private quarters. Under the bed is an iron box with a spell book eaten by yellow mold. A single page with a lightning bolt spell is salvageable.

48. THE ROOM OF BROKEN STUFFAbout a ton of steel scrap fragments occupy this room. A red glow comes from one piece.

This might be offloaded on any blacksmith for five gold pieces. The scrap is the remains of a bunch of steel wall spells used to create a large timepiece. A red ruby resonator, the magical component of the clock, will age anyone touching this scrap by ten years. The gem might be added to the pommel of any dagger to grant the possessor of the weapon double attacks in a combat round.

49. ARYA'S ROOMYou open the door on a rather overweight couple sitting on a decrepit timber bed, kissing. They fail to notice your presence.

This is an illusion of Kanad and Arya kissing. The illusion was created by Kanad. Under the bed is the skeletal remains of Arya who attacks, grabbing the leg of anyone approaching the bed.

50. KANAD'S ROOMYou have never seen anything like it. A huge illusion floating in the air covering most of the ceiling with the words: Kanad's Room. The letters slowly rotate.

The illusion obscures a view of two crab spiders that drop down through the illusion once the adventurers are underneath.

51. KANADA trail of blood leads from one end of this long hallway to the other. At the far end, an elderly old man, trying to hold his organs in, is collapsed in a pool of blood. He rises, levitating toward you, his organs trailing, and screams: "Zenopus Lives!", then the flying corpse attacks.

Kanad is a zombie with levitate and last Task spells cast on it.

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Encounter Areas 52-59

52. A SHADOW ON THE WALLAs you push the door open you can see the shadow of a person moving being cast on the far wall. Obviously someone is in the room.

The shadow is being projected by a light through a glass slide in which a phantasmal force spell is creating a miniature image. The apparatus and it's tripod is worth a hundred gold pieces to anyone who understands the value of it.

53. A GIANT SNAKEAs you open the door you are confronted by an otherwise empty room in which a tiny snake is flicking it's tongue at you.

Any adventurer looking into the room for more than a single round is suddenly shrunk to an inch tall and subjected to a Dimension Door depositing them in the centre of the room. The now giant snake attacks seeking to escape out into the hallway. From this perspective the giant snake has the following Stats: 8HD; 40hp; AC2; MV 50'(150'); AT crushing jaws; DA 4d6/round; ML 11; SA F4; INT 2; XP 2,000.The enchantment was by Surina an apprentice of Zenopus who wanted more personal space. Once the party leaves the room they return to normal size.

54. DUMBWAITER ACCESSThis hallway is a mess of spider Web. And yes...there are spiders.

Connecting the dragon's glass bower to the dumbwaiter shaft, this short hallway. There are six crabspiders here. Cocooned at the far end a Halfling named Nn'pr (Anna Pear). She will die a few rounds after the adventurers rescue her unless they have a poison Antidote or neutralise poison.

55. TOP OF THE TOWERThe Crescent moon hall here has a massive breach in an internal wall through into the core. There is also a hole through the floor at the far end of the moon hall. Even from here you can hear the distant flap of wings.

there is a 1 in 6 chance that a stirge will enter this area and attack the adventurers each turn they are in this area.

56. A CORPSE IN A HALLThis short and narrow hall has a sturdy door at each end and is occupied by a long desiccated corpse.

The corpse is about Halfling sized. The hall connects the dragon's lair to the stirge and rubble filled core of the second tower. There is a leather scroll case with notes on a sketched map of the entire level four the of the third tower and part of level five. There is also a brass key that allows entry into tower three in the dust on the floor (DC13 to notice).

57. THE TOP OF THE AVIARYYou can see all the way down the core of the inner tower, and from up here you can not only see every stirge and nest, you are visible to pretty much every last one of these blood sucking ticks with wings.

Any noise, throwing a rope down, or any attack causes thirty stirge to explode into flight and attack.

58. ANOTHER DUMBWAITERThis dumbwaiter is pretty tight allowing one at a time to travel between floors. It looks functional.

The dumbwaiter connects the fourth level of third tower to third level beneath third tower providing access to the hallway (area 18) that connects to the kitchens and the crypt of Zenopus.

59. THE PRIVATE ELEVATORThe doors to this elevator are locked.

This elevator is Zenopus's private elevator providing access to otherwise inaccessible levels of third tower. Anyone with the key in the cave (area 101) at the bottom of the garbage disposal can access and use this elevator. Any attempt to enter the elevator or isolated areas of third tower by magic fails.

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Encounter Areas 60-65

60. FOYERA stairs climbs to the next floor. There are also several doors that might be explored.

the foyer of third tower is devoid of anything of value. None of the doors are locked.

61. HERSCH IN THE HALLWAY WITH A SWORDThe sound of a sword rap on a stone from behind draws your attention. it is Hersch, a patron from the bar.

Hersch climbed to the plaza (area 44) when he spotted the party and followed them into the tower. The bountyhunter demands Delistra surrender herself if she is still alive, if she is dead he takes her body.HERSCH: Thief; Level 4; 10hp; AC5; Lawful; S13, I14, W12, D17, C11, Ch12; sword, leather armour, boots, belt, pouch.If Delistra or another character is deceased, the player can take Hersch as their PC.61a. This small room five feet by five feet and book ended by the inner and outer doors is large enough for one at a time. Only the outer door requires a key.

62. ACCESS TO THE INNER TOWERThrough the door from the foyer the hallway turns left then right arriving at a second door.

Opening the door to the inner tower, a force smacks them all against the wall of the hallway for 1hp damage.

63. THE LIBRARYThis room is filled with books piled on top of one another. At the far side of the room is what looks like a door.

the door at the back of the room is the locked access to the elevator (area 59). There are about a thousand books in this library. If anyone opens a book while in this room a fire starts thanks to an Inferno spell, spreading quickly to the other books. They might save a few hundred gold pieces worth of books devoted to spell research. There is also a secret door (DC16 to discover).

64. BEYOND THE SECRET DOORThe Secret door opens into a hall that turns right and left again at a sturdy door.

the hall to the vault is devoid of traps. An enchantment on it is designed to prevent entry by magical means.

65. THE POTIONS VAULTThe vault appears to be against the outer tower wall and tapers in to a narrow corner between the inner and outer towers. There are shelves in this vault with numerous potions on them. The potions all have faded labels.

There are a dozen potions here:• 4x potions of healing• 3x potions of flying• 1x potion of poison• 4x potions of remove curse.There is also a small invisible chest containing a thousand gold pieces hidden at the narrow end of the vault.Using magic in this vault causes the energy to discharge into the user of the magic as a lightning strike. 1d6 damage per spell level. Treat magic items as fifth level spells.

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Encounter Areas 66-71

66. FIREWALLYou find a notice on the door at the end of this hallway reads 'LEVEL 2 PRECAUTIONS IN EFFECT'. Unfortunately you have no clue as to what that means.

it means first and second level magic will not function in the laboratories. Casting a first or second level spell in the laboratory wing will cause the spell to simply be forgotten from memory without effect.

67. LABORATORIES ACCESSThis long dark and windowless hallway has three doors on each side providing access to the rooms that lie beyond. At the far end a woman with a sword waits for you.

KOYLA THE SHADOW: Thief; Level 4; 16hp; AC6; chaotic; S11, I13, W14, D18, C17, Ch12; katana (2d4/behead on natural 20), clothes, boots.Koyla battles the adventurers one at a time to the death on orders from her employer unless they coordinate and take half her hitpoints in round one. Only then will she retreat to a laboratory at the end of the hall (area 71).

68. POTIONS LABORATORYThis room is filled with wooden crates and a wooden vat half filled with a red 'sludge'.

the vat is a red slime (a green slime but red) which Attacks if poked or prodded by rupturing the vat and oozing all over the floor and out into the hall (area 67). The crates contain shattered glassware. There are six glass vials (10 gp each) in good condition.

69. THE LOOMa large mechanical apparatus dominates this room. There appears to be a cloth stretched across its mechanism.

The machine is a mechanical loom that allows for the weaving and enchanting of flying carpets, and other magical items requiring a woven aspect. The cloth is a panel of tapestry depicting a tree. Anyone touching the tree is teleported into the forest of Athenos in the kingdom of Karameikos. The trip is one way. The tapestry panel will cease to function if removed from the loom. It's enchantment was never completed and only the loom made it operational. The loom is worth ten thousand gold pieces to any wizard looking to enchant woven magic items. Unfortunately it is too large to remove.

70. THE COLDFORGEThis looks sort of like a smithy except there is no forge. There is an anvil and hammer, and a fold press. There is also a bolt of silk.

The fold press allows metal to be flattened, a layer of silk then laid over it that the silk may be folded into the metal. The coldforge is worth 1,000gp to any Smith looking to create Masterwork weapons. Each (press and anvil) weighs a thousand pounds.

71. ENCHANTED WOODthere is a whole lot of wood on racks on the wall of this room. A hand lathe sits at one end of the room. There is a wooden goblet still in the lathe.

if koyla the shadow retreated to this room she strikes the floor with a wooden pole from a rack and the wood explodes to life, roots penetrating the floor, and expanding cracks in the structure causing the room to break loose and leafed branches to rip apart the ceiling. Koyla hurls wood at the ground like spears creating an instant forest to erupt around the castle. There are ten wooden poles that can be used to create an instant tree. The goblet will neutralise poison if water is drunk from it.

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Encounter Areas 72-78

72. SCRIPTORIUMThis room has a book shelf, emptied of whatever occupied it's shelves, opposite the door. At the end is a desk and a quill and ink.

The shelf contained various spell scrolls penned by Zenopus. Those scrolls are in the possession of the magicuser on the second floor (area 77). The desk has a secret drawer (DC16) which conceals an architectural plan showing the secret doors to the castle including the one in the library (area 63).

73. MORGUEA metal table with a raised edge occupies this small room. A shelf with jars containing eyeballs sits beneath the table.

this room was used for corpse experiments. Each of the three jars has a dozen eyeballs which follow the movement of any living thing entering this room. Any eyeball removed from its jar expands in a round to become a beholder with no eyestalks. It uses its anti magic ray and attacks with a bite.

74. AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRSThere are sacks here containing books and other things.

Racine has been collecting items of value and storing them here. (3) books (50gp each), assorted laboratory tools (1,000gp). Any loud noise here will attract Racine (currently in area 77).

75.HALLWAYThis narrow hallway smells of flowers.

each pc must save vs poison or sneeze loudly. More that one PC sneezing causes Darvil to emerge from the bedroom in two rounds.

76. A BEDROOMThis room has a bed that has been slept in.

Darvil is here if he escaped discovery at Gavin's Tavern.DARVIL: Fighter; Level 1; 8hp; AC5; chaotic; S13, I12, W12, D16, C11, Ch8; sword(1d8), leather armour, clothes, boots, iron rations, backpack.Read the following if the PCs surprise Darvil.

His back to the door as you enter, Darvil declares:"Racine...I love you....but..." Darvil turns.

Darvil attacks on sight.

77. RACINE THE SORCERESSAn oddly clad woman is examining the wall of the inner keep. The room itself contains a cushioned couch of padded cloth on which sits a wooden chest."Is it done?" she doesn't wait long for an answer.

when Racine doesn't hear Koyla's voice she turns and unleashes a hold person* on the fighter in the group. RACINE THE SORCERESS: Magicuser; Level 5; 20hp; AC8; Chaotic; S10, I18, W17, D15, C13, Ch13; clothes, shoes, cloak, belt of shielding. Spells: detect magic, hold person*, knock, phantasmal force, lightning bolt.Racine was searching for a way into the inner tower. the chest contains a collection of spell scrolls: (7) sleep, and six gems (50gp each).

78. ZENOPUS'S QUARTERSThis is a fine room with a small round darkwood table and fine red carpeting. A pair of teak mesh doors hints at a private lounge beyond.

apart from the darkwood side table (200gp) and red carpeting there is nothing else here. Anyone looking into the lounge through the teak doors will see a fine collection of furnishings and more red carpeting.

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Encounter Areas 79-86

79. SANCTUARY?Through the teak doors a lounge of fine furnishings you discover on a sea of red carpeting. A wooden cabinet with doors sits out of the way. A second set of doors crafted of teak entice you to explore in even further.

the wooden cabinet (250gp) contains three bottles of century old alcohol (100gp each) and four cut crystal glasses of a quality you have never seen (50gp each). Behind the cabinet is a piece of paper signed by Zenopus and granting ownership of castle zenopus to his illegitimate daughter Racine, product of his dalliance with his apprentice Surina.

80. ZENOPUS'S BEDThis room is occupied by a heavy timber bed carved with faces. The sea of red carpeting continues here.

examining the faces carved on the bed reveal each to be unique. They are young males and females in their twenties. Two of them look a lot like the illusions of Arya and Kanad (area 48).

81. WARDROBE?as you alight from the elevator you find another set of doors. The room itself has a bench seat and a shelf with cloth armour and glass helmets.

The clothing are anticontamination suits. There are four so probably not enough for every player character. One suit has a tear in it. They can take 6hp damage before a tear forms. The next set of doors are glass (AC-5, 100hp).

82. DECONTAMINATIONthe doors seal behind you of their own accord and you are bathed in a strange purple light emanating from the walls, ceiling, and floor. Only then does the next set of doors open of their own accord.

the necrotic purple light kills viruses and tiny organisms on the PCs. Those with lice find themselves lice free. Non humans feel the need to vomit (constitution check).

83. A PRESSURE CHANGEThe doors slide shut and seal. It's odd but nothing seems to be happening.

air pressure is slowly decreasing. It will continue to do so for six turns. In that time if the PCs damage the doors (AC-5, 100hp) air rushes in from decontamination (area 82) or out (from area 84).a constitution check every turn is required if the doors are damaged. Each fail reduces constitution until death occurs.

84. CHOICE OF DIRECTIONThis room has three doors and is otherwise devoid of contamination.

the PCs can go back through the pressure adjustment room (area 83), to the rest rooms (85-86), or into the great experiment (area 87-89).

85. ZENOPUSresting here, his eyes closed, his helmet on the ground, a young man. He seems unarmed. He ignores your presence.

This is a clone of Zenopus. As long as the adventurers are not hostile he will allow them to follow him as far as the iron golem (area 88).ZENOPUS THE CLONE: Normal Human; 6hp; AC7; Neutral; S8, I18, W16, D16, C12, Ch13; decontamination suit.zenopus will head back into the great experiment once he has put his helmet on.

86. TOILETSThis room has a metal bowl fixed to the floor and a metal basin with taps.

This is a toilet so the occupants don't need to leave through decontamination.

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Encounter Areas 87-91

87. A HALLWAY OF METALthis short hallway is clad ceiling to floor in metal.

The door to the next area will not open until the first door is able to close. This means only six will squeeze in this hallway.

88. A GUARDIANAs soon as the door opens a continuous hail of energy bolts rains on the entrance to the hallway pinning you down. A metal golem stands guard in front of a door marked in a strange writing. The golem has similar lettering.

the writing reads 'LEVEL 6'. the writing on the golem reads 'ARCTUIS'. A read languages spell reveals the meaning of the alien writing. A panel on the wall opens the door. 30 strength required to force the door.GUARDIAN: 3HD; 15hp; AC2; AT 2 wands of magic missile; 2-7/2-7; MV 1'(3'); ML 12; SA magicuser: L3; NA 1(0); INT (13); AL N; XP 400.

89. INSIDE LEVEL SIXA strange metal object the size of a barrel sits here connected to the wall by a metal vine or rope.

this is the cryogenic storage unit (AC-2, 50hp). It contains fertilised embryo ready to be inserted into an artificial womb. it is affixed to the floor. Touching the top causes the lid to open.

90. THE GREAT EXPERIMENTIn this area is a device mounted on a wall showing wiggly Waves with some consistent rhythm. Beyond it are odd bubbles affixed to the wall with what look like babies contained within.

The ten artificial wombs (AC2, 20hp) serve as life support for clones of Zenopus. They can be removed safely though they need the care that all human babies require.Zenopus salvaged this from a starship crashed in the mountains of Ash. That adventure module will be created later.

91. AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRSDown the stairs from the hallway some thirty feet you arrive at stone walled chamber with a low vaulted ceiling. There is a door just opposite the stairs.

a Ghoul concealed by a brickwork edge to the right of the stairs emerges from concealment and attacks.

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SANITYThe sanity of the PCs is important in the dungeon. They will be tested. To determine sanity of a character check the PC's charisma. That is the sanity shield of the player character. When a charisma check is required a fail moves the pc along the chart toward insanity.When to check sanity? Any time one of the characters is killed in the dungeons of castle zenopus all the PCs must make a charisma check. The adventure is then reset to area 91. So as the adventurers get a do over. They know what is coming having experienced a room before. Except the number of ghouls increases by one in every Encounter area by the number of times a character dies there.Once the Zenopus ghoul is destroyed their ground-hog day comes to an end.

Sanity Permanent Cumulative Effects

Healthy unaffectedOn edge +1 save vs Ghoul paralysis, -1

penalty to charisma when indoors.Disturbed +1 save vs Ghoul paralysis, -1

penalty to charisma when indoors.Paranoid +1 save vs Ghoul paralysis, -1

penalty to charisma when indoors.Alienated +1 save vs Ghoul paralysis, -1

penalty to charisma when indoors.Insane Immune to Ghoul paralysis, -1

penalty to charisma when indoors, Alignment chaotic. Followers will be ghouls only.

Encounter Areas 92-96

92. INTO THE CRYPTThere is a distinctive odour in the air that smells a lot like dead meat. The tunnel takes a slight turn to the left ending at a door. The door has scratches that might be words.

The door here Is scratched with the words: 'Zenopus will see you now'. this can be discerned by any wizard or elf casting read languages. This knowledge is not without cost. The spellcaster experiences a shift in sanity by one rank but reading anything written by a Ghoul was only ever going to be bad.

93. THE CRYPT OF ZENOPUSThis huge 25'x75' chamber has vaulted ceilings and some sort of stone structure near the far end. It is empty until three Humanoid sized shadows emerge from the wall to the right carrying what looks like naked cadavers. They head for the stone structure near the far end.

If they get to the well they drop their victims down the well (area 93a) before turning on the adventurers. The corpses are Gavin, his daughter, and his wife. They are paralysed. +200xp for each rescued. the leader Ghoul-zenopus can shadow door (Dimension Door) at will. He didn't use the secret door (area 93b), he Dimension doored into Gavin's private quarters and snatched them from their beds.The Secret door can be discerned on a DC16.

94. THE WARRENSIt looks like something has been burrowing into the crypt. There are some large holes...Some big enough for a Halfling.

These are wombat burrows rather than rat burrows. Four wombats live in these burrows.Area 94a: there is a wombat here.Area 94b: this area is only accessible by reaching in from area 94c. There is a chewed bone with a fireball scroll. There is also a wombat.Area 94c: there is a wombat here.Area 94d: this area is empty. There has a one in six chance the wombat from area 94c will relocate here.Area 94e: key of Zenopus allowing access to his private elevator is to be found here. A wombat returns from hunting grubs in the wilderness.

95. BEYOND THE SECRET DOORStairs descend into darkness. At the bottom a long straight tunnel leads into the darkness.

This links up with Gavin's Tavern. If the adventurers reach castle zenopus from the cellars beneath Gavin's Tavern then they should not Encounter the Zenopus ghoul until they delve into the Ghoul caves.

96. THE DESCENTThe well in the crypt descends a hundred feet down until you find yourself dangling on a rope above a fast flowing stream. There are caves and tunnels in all directions.

A splash landing draws one Ghoul a round to the stream. Otherwise one Ghoul arrives per turn. A limit of ten ghouls plus the number of time they have died will converge on th PCs.

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Encounter Areas 97-100

97. GHOUL NESTSyou can see shadows moving, and the sound of chewing and gnawing reminds you of the tavern at dinner time.

Each nest is an area scraped into the rock, and each has a Ghoul.97a: bones and scraps.97b: a gnawed pouch with a fireball gem97c: a skull on a spine, fresh harvested. 97d: a platinum piece. The Ghoul is chewing on it.97e: a dagger+1/+2 vs undead97f: a pool of blood and soft organs pushed against the rock. You hear a heartbeat in your ears.97g: a shrine of skulls cracked open to reveal brain.

98.THE CAVE OF ZENOPUSThis big Ghoul is chewing on the remains of something...but he looks up and sighting you, gives a howl.

Zenopus ghoul just summoned every Ghoul to his location. Every Ghoul in these caves will arrive at the rate of one Ghoul per round after the first six rounds. The remains are those of Grindal the magicuser. His gunblade is here with one of two lightning bolt spells still in it.ZENOPUS THE GHOUL: HD8*; 30hp; AC3; MV 30'(10')/Dimension door; AT 2 touch paralysis/1 bite; DA paralysis/1d6; NA: unique; SA Magicuser L8; ML 12; AL chaotic; INT 18; XP 2,500. Zenopus Ghoul will Dimension Door to a new position every time he is hit unless the sword of Naril is present. He will focus all his fury on the wielder of the sword.

99. MORE GHOUL NESTSThere are shadows moving down this tunnel and a lot of gnawing and chewing.

Things are going to get Insane for the Player Characters in this area.99a: This one is coated in blood.99b: a corpse with its ribs broken off.99c: this Ghoul has two heads. one begs the adventurers: 'kill me'.99d: a hand axe+1 made from a stone bound to a femur by gut.99e: this Ghoul is smashing a skull with a rock.99f: a Ghoul with no arms.99g: Ghoul child in a bloody smock says: 'I want my mummy.' it then attacks. (2hp, AC9)99h: a pool of blood reflects an image of the Player character back as a Ghoul.99i: a child's toy rolls out into the open. A child laughing is heard.99j: a voice screaming: 'sound the alarm!''99k: children singing: 'I see a Ghoul, a Ghoul sees me, no matter where I run, it catches me.'99l: Grindal's ghost: 'I'm so sorry. I doomed you all.' He vanishes.99m: there is a stream to jump (DC13). The tunnel leads away from the ghouls. The last person to cross over is grabbed by a Ghoul who rises up out of the water and grabs an ankle.If the PCs lure the ghouls away and destroy them the Dungeon master should feel free to pick through the list removing the ghouls (except 99g).

100. THE TEMPLE ORGANCorpses, stacked against the wall of the cave, facing inward. As you approach the corpses begin to sing a deep note...

the sound summons every ghoul at the rate of one per round. It also causes a shift in sanity while the music plays. Destroying the temple organ (50hp, AC9) earns 300xp. The destruction of the organ also takes away the ability of Zenopus ghoul to Dimension Door. With Zenopus ghoul and the organ destroyed, surviving ghouls flee up into the castle in an attempt to escape.

The Riverthe river leads Off anywhere the dungeon master desires...places deep and dark.

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Encounter Areas 101-105

101. CAVES FILLED WITH NOTHINGthe caves here are Devoid of pretty much anything threatening. The floor seems moist and squishy and the height of interest is a series of handholds that serve as a ladder to climb up the shaft. A ledge two feet high must be scaled to enter another part of the caves.

The cave at the bottom of the garbage chute is empty unless a Ghoul and or a player character fell down the shaft from garbage disposal. It's been so long since anything was dumped down the hole up there in garbage disposal (area 105) that the area has been pretty much cleaned up by organisms in these parts.

102. YOUR NEW MASTERA cute little...thing with tiny legs and large white 'eyeballs' on eyestalks shutters into view. It's eyeballs begin to glow necrotic purple.

Charisma checks are now required. The player must roll on a twenty sided dice and get less than their character's charisma. Those characters that fail to resist (the more Insane, the more susceptible the pc) fall under the dominion of Zenopus's most horrible creation: the Defiled one.THE DEFILED ONE: HD5*; 50hp; AC5; MV 30'(10'); AT Mind Control DA special; NA: unique; SA Magicuser L5; ML 12; AL Neutral; INT 13; XP 500.Once it has control of even one pc it has that pc attack the others. It's needs are simple. It feeds on the thought Waves of those who succumb. Those capable of resisting pose a the ghouls whose brains are invulnerable to the Defiled one's authority.

103. FOOTPRINTS IN THE MUDThere are footprints in the white clay of this cave...and you can see from this perspective that they lead over the slight ledge to the lower caves.

These foot prints were created by a Ghoul. Zenopus the Ghoul sends his minion ghouls this way to penetrate first tower.

104. WHITE CLAY MINESomeone has dug into the clay of the cave here. There is a pick and an iron bucket.

A dwarf slipped up the underground river from his subterranean realm, avoiding the ghouls, and mined some white clay. Unfortunately he fell under the influence of the Defiled one and met a bad end fighting ghouls.

105: THE GARBAGE DISPOSALThis small room has a single feature...a well shaft.

the well has hand and foot holds carved into the rock that descend a hundred feet or more to caves. There is a Ghoul is climbing up. It grabs the first player character to look over the edge. Unless the PCs act to save their fellow Adventurer the pc is pulled forward down the well taking 10d6 damage on impact.

AND THATS IT FOR CASTLE ZENOPUS...I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I loved creating it. Now...onward to other adventures.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.