Mastering WebDriverIO: Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users (2024)

In the ever-evolving application development landscape, automating web applications built on different platforms has become indispensable for delivering high quality within increasingly shorter timelines. WebdriverIO has emerged as a popular stand-out tool after Selenium for web automation testing. It is a powerful option for automating these applications because it is implemented in Node.js, and the automation coding is done in JavaScript.

It has advantages and a unique feature set that it provides to automate web applications, mobile apps, and even native desktop applications. Additionally, it provides a set of APIs and libraries to automate the testing of web applications and websites.

What is WebdriverIO?

WebDriverIO is an end-to-end open-source browser automation testing framework designed specifically for modern web applications. Still, the automation of hybrid or native mobile applications can also be done through emulation/simulation or on an actual device using WebdriverIO.

This framework is written in JavaScript and designed to run on NodeJS, enabling developers and testers to automate interactions with web applications and native mobile applications for iOS-enabled devices.

WebdriverIO is often compared to Selenium. It is important to understand what is Selenium before learning about WebdriverIO. Selenium is widely used for web automation; it is flexible and supports multiple programming languages. WebdriverIO falls under the umbrella of Selenium; hence, all its capabilities are also available in WebdriverIO, along with some additional APIs.

However, it must not be confused with Selenium Webdriver. Instead, it is an independent implementation of Selenium Webdriver’s communication protocol with many built-in commands and assertions.

If developers create Selenium tests in JavaScript, WebdriverIO is the first choice. There are other tools like Cypress, which is based on the JavaScript framework. Still, WebdriverIO offers third-party integrations that help plug the tests into your favorite browsers, making testing and debugging much more efficient.

Features of WebdriverIO

WebdriverIO provides various built-in feature sets and community plugins, making it an ideal choice for efficient and effective web application testing.

Various programming language support- It allows testers to write test scripts in multiple languages.

Mobile app testing- In today’s mobile-centric world, WebDriverIO has also extended its capabilities to comprehensive mobile app testing, including iOS and Android, making it reliable for mobile applications.

Native desktop testing- Not only web and mobile but WebDriverIO can also be employed for automating native desktop applications. This versatility allows it to stand out from many other automation frameworks, allowing testers to streamline their testing efforts across various platforms.

Community plugins and integrations- The WebdriverIO community has expanded its capabilities with various plugins and integrations. These plugins add functionalities to the framework, like test report generation, screenshot capturing, and integration with popular tools like Selenium Grid and LambdaTest.

Asynchronous testing- WebDriverIO’s flexibility to support both synchronous and asynchronous testing allows testers and developers to write scripts that best suit their testing requirements and coding preferences.

Screenshot capturing and video recording- WebDriverIO offers screenshot and video recording capabilities for better debugging and documentation.

Logging and reporting- It includes built-in logging and reporting features, which are important for tracking the progress and results of the test suites.

Benefits of WebdriverIO

WebDriverIO provides various benefits to increase reliability and effectiveness in automating complex and diverse testing scenarios. Below are some benefits that set WebdriverIO apart from many other automation frameworks.


WebdriverIO is completely open-source with a focus on the JavaScript ecosystem. It is undertaken by a non-profit organization called OpenJSFoundation, which has undertaken the framework to grow and keep it up-to-date.

Easy extensibility

WebdriverIO is easily extendable, enabling developers to add functions or more complicated sets of existing commands. It has large distribution of community-created and built-in plugins that can be easily integrated to fulfill the testing requirements.

Cross-browser compatibility

To ensure compatibility and consistent user experience, testing web applications across multiple browsers is essential. WebDriverIO simplifies the cross-browser testing process by allowing testers to write that can be executed across multiple browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more.

This feature enables testers to automate interactions across popular browsers, helping them efficiently identify and address browser-specific issues.

Front-end accessibility

WebdriverIO is built in JavaScript, making it easier for most web testers and developers with JavaScript codebases. WebdriverIO tests are easier to read, write, and debug when a team member works on JavaScript code.

Testing frameworks integration

WebdriverIO can be easily integrated with popular testing frameworks like Mocha and Jasmine. This integration allows testers to leverage test organization, reporting, and parallel test execution features and capabilities of these frameworks.

Data-driven testing

Data-driven approaches are essential for efficient automation. WebDriverIO supports data-driven testing, allowing the execution of the same test scenario with multiple data sets, thus improving test coverage and accuracy.

WebDriver protocol setting the bar

Right at its back, WebDriverIO is built upon the WebDriver protocol for cross-browser testing and Chrome DevTools Protocol for Chromium-based automation. This foundation makes WebDriverIO an industry-leading, robust, and exceptionally versatile tool for browser automation, as it can seamlessly adapt to various automation needs. Testers and developers get access to the best-quality browser automation drivers to use without struggling to write Java-based tests.

Working of WebdriverIO

WebdriverIO is built over NodeJS, an implementation of the JSON Wire Protocol. Packaged into npm, it conducts communication using NodeJS. The developers write the test script in JavaScript using the WebdriverIO; the Service request is specified via NodeJS as a set of HTTP endpoints to the browser to trigger actions, like specific URL navigation or clicking an element on a webpage.

Upon receiving the command, the framework interprets the JavaScript test code. Then, the browser runs those commands and performs the user actions, which then evaluates the outcome of the commands by testing the validity of the application functions to determine whether the test has succeeded or failed.

WebDriverIO tips and tricks for advanced users

WebdriverIO is a progressive and valuable automation framework in the automation testing world built to automate modern web and mobile applications. But in the world of advanced techniques to level up the WebDriverIO and go beyond the basics to advance, some advanced tips and techniques are waiting to be discovered.

So, if testers want to boost their web testing skills, explore writing efficient tests, and take it from good to great, below are some advanced tips and tricks for leveraging WebDriverIO to make testers’ lives easier.

Performing cross-browser testing

Ensuring web application’s consistent functionality correctly across different browsers is essential for delivering a seamless user experience across different platforms. WebDriverIO simplifies cross-browser testing with versatility, reliability, comprehensive feature set, and support for multiple browser configurations. With WebdriverIO, testers can effortlessly run tests across browsers and versions to ensure that web applications function correctly.

With WebDriverIO’s various cross-platform testing strategies, testers can streamline the automation testing process, enhance application quality, and deliver better user experiences. One such approach is using a cloud-based testing platform like LambdaTest that provides access to a wide range of real devices, browsers, and platforms, allowing app testing in multiple configurations without the overhead of maintaining the device lab.

It supports various automation testing frameworks, including Selenium, Appium, and others. By setting up an account on LambdaTest, you will learn more about Selenium.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform for running both manual and automated testing of web and mobile applications at scale. The platform also provides testers access to a cloud Selenium Grid of more than 3000 environments, real mobile devices, and browsers for real-time and automated testing.

LambdaTest can also seamlessly integrate with the CI pipeline, which helps automate the execution process and catch issues early in the development cycle. Embracing the power of WebDriverIO with LambdaTest enables QAs towards more efficient and reliable application testing practices by easily leveraging additional functions of the platform like recording tests, using real devices and browsers on the cloud, test reporting, etc.

Leverage WebDriverIO Selectors

For effective automation testing, using selectors resilient to changes in the DOM is the key. WebDriverIO provides a wide range of selectors commonly used to locate and interact with modern web elements effectively.

Some commonly used selectors include CSS selectors, XPath, and element-specific selectors. These selectors provide a powerful and flexible way to identify and select elements based on their attributes and properties.

By leveraging the power of these selectors, the tester can precisely target specific elements on a web page and perform actions like clicking buttons, entering text and links, and validating attributes by specifying the element’s selector in the WebDriverIO test code.

Execute code in parallel.

With the growing complexity and size of the test suites, it becomes crucial to optimize test execution speed to maintain efficient development cycles. WebDriverIO parallel test execution strategy speeds up test execution. This allows multiple test cases to run simultaneously on different browsers, operating systems, or devices, thus significantly reducing the overall execution time and improving the efficiency of the testing process.

Use the right wait

Proper use of timeouts and waits ensures that tests are not delayed or unnecessarily waiting for elements to appear. Giving a specific wait time to the script helps avoid failure and unnecessary delays caused by timing. WebDriverIO provides smart test design practices such as grouping related tests and minimizing browser restarts, which further optimizes test execution speed, dealing with hundreds or thousands of tests every minute.

Use the built-in assertions.

Assertions help verify the correctness of the application under test. Always use assertions that automatically wait for the results to match the actual behavior during the execution of a test case, as this will help to avoid flaky tests.

Leveraging built-in assertions in WebdriverIO helps the tester detect defects early in the development cycle. It achieves this by automatically waiting for the actual result to match the expected result, resulting in resilient tests.

Implement Page Object Model (POM) in WebDriverIO

Adopting the Page Object Model (POM) approach helps structure the WebDriverIO tests and takes it to new heights. It is a design pattern that enhances test maintainability and readability, making the tester’s life much easier.

The POM involves creating separate page object classes that summarize the locators and methods specific to each web page. Page objects help query the DOM for elements, fill out forms, wait for things, etc. Structuring tests around page objects promotes code reusability, reduces duplication, and makes tests more resilient to UI changes.

Master configuring the WebDriverIO test runner.

WebDriverIO’s test runner and configuration are powerful tools that testers must master to execute and manage the test lifecycle. The test runner is the backbone of the automation testing process, and configuring it involves specifying various settings to get it right for smooth and efficient test execution.

Key configurations include specifying the base URL, generating comprehensive HTML reports, selecting popular testing frameworks like Mocha Jasmine, defining browser capabilities, and customizing WebDriverIO setting timeouts. By customizing these configurations, testers can properly configure the test runner to their specific project requirements and ensure smooth test execution.

Integrate with popular testing frameworks.

WebDriverIO can seamlessly integrate with popular testing frameworks like Mocha, Jasmine, and Cucumber. Its flexibility allows testers to choose the right framework that best suits their testing needs; this also allows for clarity and maintainability of the test.

Strategies for cross-platform mobile testing

A common reason to use WebdriverIO is its flexibility and wide range of features, that helps deal with varying complexities, as well as its has ability to test native mobile apps for iOS devices. However, testing mobile apps across different platforms and devices can be challenging.

Using WebDriverIO to automate tests for mobile web and native apps must be integrated with a mobile testing framework like Appium that allows interaction with native app elements using WebDriverIO’s familiar syntax and commands.


WebDriverIO is a valuable asset that can transform the automation testing journey toward more efficient and reliable testing practices. The framework offers a simple and user-friendly interface for generating and running tests.

It supports many different programming languages and simplifies the process of writing and executing test scripts for web applications by providing a set of plugins, making it easy to integrate and extend the setup to fulfill testing needs. Mastering advanced techniques, developers can easily create a scalable, robust, and stable test suite and ensure the quality and reliability of their web-based applications.

Mastering WebDriverIO: Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users (2024)


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