1.5 Million Pesos to US Dollars (2024)

1,500,000 MXN = 81,229 USD June 28, 2024 04:05 AM UTC

One million five hundred thousand Mexican Pesos are worth $81,229 USD today as of 4:05 AM UTC.Check the latest currency exchange rates for the Mexican Peso, US Dollar and all major world currencies. Our currency converter is simple to use and also shows the latest currency rates.

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1,500,000Mexican Pesos=81,229US Dollars

1 MXN = 0.05415 USD1 USD = 18.466 MXN

Last update 2024-6-28 4:05 AM UTC

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This chart shows data from 2023-6-28 to 2024-6-27. The average exchange rate over this period was 0.05814 US Dollars per Mexican Peso.

What was the highest MXN to USD exchange rate in the lastyear?

The high point for the MXN/USD ratewas 0.06125 US Dollars per Mexican Peso on April 8, 2024.

What was the lowest MXN to USD exchange rate in the lastyear?

The low point was 0.05340 US Dollars per Mexican Peso on June 12, 2024.

Is MXN up or down compared to USD in the lastyear?

The MXN/USD rate is down -7.36%. This means the Mexican Peso has decreased in value compared to the US Dollar.

View History Table

MXN to USD Exchange Rates

Last 30 DaysLast 90 Days
High$0.05954 USD$0.06125 USD
Low$0.05340 USD$0.05340 USD
Avg$0.05558 USD$0.05817 USD
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Convert MXN to USD

Mexican Peso US Dollar
$100 MXN$5.4153 USD
$500 MXN$27.076 USD
$1,000 MXN$54.153 USD
$1,500 MXN$81.229 USD
$2,000 MXN$108.31 USD
$2,500 MXN$135.38 USD
$5,000 MXN$270.76 USD
$10,000 MXN$541.53 USD
$50,000 MXN$2,707.64 USD
$100,000 MXN$5,415.27 USD
$250,000 MXN$13,538 USD
$500,000 MXN$27,076 USD
$1,000,000 MXN$54,153 USD
$2,500,000 MXN$135,382 USD
$5,000,000 MXN$270,764 USD
$10,000,000 MXN$541,527 USD

Convert USD to MXN

US Dollar Mexican Peso
$1 USD$18.466 MXN
$5 USD$92.331 MXN
$10 USD$184.66 MXN
$15 USD$276.99 MXN
$20 USD$369.33 MXN
$25 USD$461.66 MXN
$50 USD$923.31 MXN
$100 USD$1,846.63 MXN
$500 USD$9,233.15 MXN
$1,000 USD$18,466 MXN
$2,500 USD$46,166 MXN
$5,000 USD$92,331 MXN
$10,000 USD$184,663 MXN
$25,000 USD$461,657 MXN
$50,000 USD$923,315 MXN
$100,000 USD$1,846,629 MXN

MXN to USD History Rates by Year

To view rates between the Mexican Peso and the US Dollar for a particular year, click on one of the links below.

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
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  • 2015

How to Convert Mexican Pesos to US Dollars?

You can convert Mexican Pesos to US Dollars by using the exchange-rates.org currency converter in just one easy step.Simply enter the amount of MXN you want to convert to USD in the box labeled "Amount", and you’re done!You’ll now see the value of the converted currency according to the most recent exchange rate.

MXN to USD Currency Converter - FAQs

How much is $1 MXN in USD?

1 Mexican Peso = 0.05415 US Dollars as of June 28, 2024 04:05 AM UTC.You can get live exchange rates between Mexican Pesos and US Dollars using exchange-rates.org,which aggregates real-time forex data from the most authoritative sources.

How much is $1,500,000 MXN in USD?

1,500,000 Mexican Pesos = 81,229 US Dollars as of June 28, 2024 04:05 AM UTC.

What was the highest MXN to USD exchange rate in the last 10 years?

In the last 10 years, the highest rate from Mexican Pesos to US Dollars was on January 17, 2015 when each Mexican Peso was worth $0.06870 USD.

When is the best time to convert MXN to USD?

The MXN and USD can be traded 24x5 starting from the time markets open on Monday mornings in Sydney all the way to the time markets close on Fridays at 5 pm in New York. Exchange rates can fluctuate by the minute while markets are open. However, the time between 3-4 PM GMT is often a good time to convert Mexican Pesos to US Dollars because currency market liquidity and trading volume tend to be the highest during this time. Also, it’s best to convert Mexican Pesos to US Dollars early in the week if you need US Dollars urgently. If you execute a trade late in the week, it might not settle until the following week given that forex markets are closed on weekends.

Which is stronger, MXN or USD?

The US Dollar is currently stronger than the Mexican Peso given that 1 USD is equal to 18.466 MXN.Conversely, 1 MXN is worth 0.05415 USD.

Is the Mexican Peso up or down against the US Dollar?

The Mexican Peso isdown -8.13%year to date against the US Dollar.In the last 10 years, the Mexican Peso isdown -20.18%against the US Dollar.As a result, the Mexican Peso haslostpurchasing power compared to the US Dollar over the last 10 years.

More MXN Conversions





























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1.5 Million Pesos to US Dollars (2024)


How to easily convert pesos to U.S. dollars? ›

In order to do this, you need to know the current exchange rate. At the time of writing, 1 MXN is worth 0.05 USD. Once you know that information, multiply the amount you have in pesos by the current exchange rate. The resulting number will show you the amount of U.S. dollars that you have to spend on your trip.

How much is $1 pesos in U.S. dollars? ›

0.0531095 USD

How much is $5000 US worth in Mexico? ›

US Dollars to Mexican Pesos conversion rates
1,000 USD19,185.67 MXN
5,000 USD95,928.35 MXN
10,000 USD191,856.71 MXN
50,000 USD959,283.59 MXN
7 more rows

How many pesos to make $100 dollars? ›

US Dollars to Mexican Pesos conversion rates
100 USD1,922.28 MXN
500 USD9,611.42 MXN
1,000 USD19,222.85 MXN
5,000 USD96,114.28 MXN
7 more rows

Is $100 a lot of money in Mexico? ›

With today's exchange rates, $100 USD is about $1,900 – $2,000 MXN. Compared to wages, $1,900 MXN is about weeks' worth of salary for most manual labor jobs outside the major cities of Mexico. So for locals that have basic day labor jobs, it is a decent amount of money.

How do I get the best exchange rate from USD to pesos? ›

Local banks and credit unions usually offer the best rates. Major banks, such as Chase or Bank of America, often offer the added benefit of having ATMs overseas. Online peer-to-peer foreign currency exchanges. Online bureaus or currency converters, such as Travelex, provide convenient foreign exchange services.

How much is $20 dollars in pesos? ›

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Conversion rates US Dollar / Mexican Peso
10 USD189.76800 MXN
20 USD379.53600 MXN
50 USD948.84000 MXN
100 USD1,897.68000 MXN
8 more rows

Is the dollar strong in Mexico right now? ›

US Dollar to Mexican Peso Exchange Rate is at a current level of 19.00, up from 18.64 the previous market day and up from 17.34 one year ago. This is a change of 1.92% from the previous market day and 9.60% from one year ago.

How much is $100 US in peso? ›

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Conversion rates US Dollar / Mexican Peso
100 USD1,886.63000 MXN
250 USD4,716.57500 MXN
500 USD9,433.15000 MXN
1000 USD18,866.30000 MXN
8 more rows

How much is a Mexican $20 bill worth? ›

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Conversion rates Mexican Peso / US Dollar
20 MXN1.03227 USD
50 MXN2.58067 USD
100 MXN5.16134 USD
250 MXN12.90335 USD
8 more rows

What is considered a dollar in Mexico? ›

US Dollars to Mexican Pesos conversion rates
1 USD19.00 MXN
5 USD95.01 MXN
10 USD190.03 MXN
25 USD475.07 MXN
7 more rows

How much does a dollar buy in Mexico? ›

1 USD = 19.035751 MXN Aug 12, 2024 17:36 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here. The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

How much is $1 US in Mexico? ›

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Conversion rates US Dollar / Mexican Peso
1 USD18.83000 MXN
5 USD94.15000 MXN
10 USD188.30000 MXN
20 USD376.60000 MXN
8 more rows

Are 1000 pesos rare? ›

They're not THAT rare, I bet you could walk into any mexican bank and get one. However, people don't usually walk around with over $1,000 pesos in their pocket. We don't call them “bank notes”, we call them billetes (bee-yeh-tez), which means bill, as in a dollar bill or a hundred dollar bill.

How many pesos for a week in Mexico? ›

Mid-range Travellers. Those with a little more money to spare may find that an average daily budget of $2,400 Mexican Pesos (MXN) is the perfect amount. This will get you a comfortable mid-range hotel room, allow you to travel by taxi, and give you the opportunity to enjoy three-course meals in most restaurants.

Where can I convert my pesos to dollars? ›

Using your bank's ATM, or an ATM in its network, and exchange providers like Travelex are common options. Another option is to use companies such as Wise, which specializes in currency transfers and offers a debit card.

How much is a $20 peso in American money? ›

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Conversion rates Mexican Peso / US Dollar
20 MXN1.03806 USD
50 MXN2.59516 USD
100 MXN5.19032 USD
250 MXN12.97580 USD
8 more rows

Is it better to exchange pesos in US or Mexico? ›

Is it better to exchange money in US or Mexico? Whether you exchange money at US banks or Mexican banks, rates will be costly. The better option is to use Wise to exchange and hold Mexican Pesos with no hidden fees, which can be done instantly and digitally from your smartphone.

Can I exchange pesos for dollars at my bank? ›

Banks will usually charge a transaction fee for exchanging currency. You'll either pay a flat fee or a variable fee. It depends on the amount and type of currency. A bank representative will guide you through the steps of buying currency at your appointment.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.